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More Than A Number

''Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand new end.'' - Carl Bard

Reverend Ronnie Fuller is an artist from New York, currently incarcerated at Lee Arrendale State Prison in Georgia. Through his art, Ronnie explores the effects of the prison industrial complex and examines the perception of inmates in wider society.

Ronnie has worked tirelessly to improve himself whilst behind bars and hopes to use his voice to make things better for others. He has dreams of running for president and has drafted a bill to amend the current felony murder rule in Georgia, the only one of its kind in the United States, which currently means that those who do not intend to take a life can receive the same sentence as those who do.

Ronnie has set up a GoFundMe to assist Ronnie in ''securing legal representation, reaching my goal of passing the bill in senate, grow my design company and gain financial stability, so I will be a contributing member of society.'' Ronnie's artwork, videos and website are managed and uploaded by his friends and brother.

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